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Our House

Sigma Chapter was founded in 1884, and our wonderful home was built in 1925. Two large additions came along later. In 2015, we renovated all bedrooms with new carpet, paint, and furniture! Each year, our House Board goes above and beyond to remodel a portion of our facility. The house now has room for 66 members to live-in and an apartment for our house director, Stacia Anderson! 

At the 616, you can find members relaxing on our big blue couch, studying on glass tables, playing with our house dog Stevie, and so much more. We have two amazing cooks, who make all of our meals. We offer a buffet-style dinner Monday through Thursday for both lunch and dinner, and a sandwich or short order on Friday mornings. Our 24-hour kitchen is a great place to hang out and grab a late-night study snack!